Where Are The Fastest Go Karts In Uk?

Where are they? What are they? Hmmm… your head is spinning right now with questions, isn’t it? Since I did craft a pretty nifty intro that got you thinking, in suspense, just now, mwah ha hah aha hahh….

Now first of all, just keep in plain mind that Daytona Outdoor Go-Karting, which you will find right in Tamworth close to Birmingham, is one of the top spots. Some of the fastest race karts race right in and out of here every single week of the year ; in fact, the main circuit itself is over 1000 meters long and allows for full teams of around 25 drivers ( and their karts, of course ) to race at once. Multiple styles of mini – tournaments, singles or solo speed races ( for record – breaking, etc ) and much else take place right out of here. So the short answer is that this is the place you will likely find the fastest go karts around, day in and day out… well, at least if you reside in the beautiful UK.

This circuit course can take 11 different corners from beginning to end, and the straights can vary along the way, as you might have well already imagined. This provides the ultimate challenge, for only the best and fastest racers and karts to tackle. Here, you will see the newest models, even some with the best updated engines or motors ( some even with electric ones ) , racing for that title. May the best win.

For kids, there is plenty to see as well : Heck, you might even run into some of the fastest kids go karts around in the area, of course, such as any from the Bambino models ( typically made for kids 6 – 8 years of age ) or even some DMAX – GTs ( for kids who are just a tad older and a bit more experienced driving a go kart, alongside a responsible adult guardian…. and the kids who drive these can typically be around 11 – 12 years old ) .

At Daytona Tamworth, you can even do live timing ( whether self – recorded, or you can even have a staff member record your time, if you’re going for that record – breaking final lap, he he he he heh ) . That’s a feature that countless professional and even personal racers ( or hobby enthusiasts ) like to take advantage of. That’s why the fastest go karts in the UK make good use of this track and spend their days here.