Off Road Go Kart Tires

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome Expert)

Ready for some fun? I know I am, he he he heh. Let’s read something great today and learn some facts ( or actually, I’ll write and you’ll read … sound like a plain? ) ….

Let’s get to it!

Now, then, the first thing I would like for everyone on this planet to know is the simple fact that AMAZON has got a literally ENDLESS list of great off – road tires you can pick for your go – kart ( based, of course, on its dimensions, size, weight limit and much else, which you will have to look up depending on the model you own ) . Some that I really like, which hit a perfect price – point ( not too cheap nor too expensive, for all that you get, and especially considering the price market range for these products ) , are the ones you see here : HALBERD ATV Tires, 25x8-12 & 25x10-12 ATV Tires, 6PR 25x8x12 25x10x12 All Terrain ATV UTV Off-Road Tires(Set of 4, Tubeless) : Automotive

$296+ is nothing for me to pay ( and the same would be said by many others who know the value of a good go – kart tire, especially when they hit the trails and like to off – road much ) . It’s a good price to pay to get a full set ( yes, 4 tires ) of tube – less tires. They brand and sell these as ATV tires but you can also use them on certain go – karts, which is nice…. in fact, they fit well with all kinds of go – karts, especially those with wider diameters and that can take off – roading to a whole new level. Got goose bumps yet? The thrill limits are endless, and we’re just getting started ….

Yes, the possibilities for what you can do on dirt trails and beaten paths are literally as endless as the sand on your favorite beach ( pick a beach, he he he heh ) . With these tires, you will get nothing less than a total thread depth of 17 Millimeters, which is fantastic. And not only that, but you will also find they carry a total of 340 for their overall load index rating, which is not too shabby at all either. Plus, rim width hits a full 6.5 Inches and their sectional width totals 8 inches. Add to that the fact that the tire aspect ratio on these is no less than 80 Millimeters, and you’ve got a deal in the making ( so order asap, he he he heh … and no, I am not paid to sponsor these in any way, I just really like them and want you to get a good deal …. I promise I’m not a secret affiliate or anything like that ) .

I hope you try them. Hope you like them.

Bought them? Tell us how it went.