Go Kart Safety Equipment

Nothing else goes hand – in – hand with having the right go kart like having the right go kart equipment, right? With that thought in mind, please check out what I have to say. You can be a newbie, or you might be a veteran at this …. either way, you might learn a thing ….

So first of all, I would like to bring out the fact that, when you need ideas for the equipment or gear to get, Amazon is the top seller globally for all that. They are that “first spot” your eyes should gaze to, on the internet, when you need good prices, good variety of selections, and much more…. especially good features and a warranty, at the end of the day. For starters, try a body protector rib vest like the one that you see here : Amazon.com: Cuircon Auto Racing Body Protectors, Go Kart Carbon Rib Vest/Riders Safety Jackets/Body Armour (Medium, Black/Silver, Half) : Automotive ; this is perhaps the number one thing ( in addition to a solid helmet and some gloves ) that you should get when scoping around.

Get this one in a nice silver and black ( or black and silver, as a reverse look, he he he heh ) for just around $ 87. You can go anywhere from youth small ( kids ) to 2 X large ( adults ) . The fabrics on the inside – outside of these special vests are made only out of the best polyester and carbon kevlar ( yup …. kevlar, like what they use in some bullet – proof vests, he he he he he heh …. no joke, this stuff is solid ) .

The buckles you see on the sides and back – front will only help further re – inforce the tightness and protection … all while not hindering your comfort. They adjust cozily and are “not too tight” ( given you went with the right size for your waist, he he he he heh ) .

In addition to all that, they absorb and distribute the shock of any impact nicely. And if you want some great safety knee or elbow pads ( for adults or kids alike ) , then try these best - sellers : Triple Eight Saver Series Adult/Child Pad Set with Kneesavers, Elbowsavers, and Wrist Savers, for Skate, Bike, and Roller : Sports & Outdoors (amazon.com)

They cost between $ 24.30 - $ 67.99. They offer 4 – way stretch nylon and great cushioning. Can it get any better?