Jaguar Timing Chain Problems

By: Your One and Only Online Auto Expert, Mr. Efrain E. Silva!

Well, guys, when I was coming up with topics and looking things over, on which to speak to you all on, in the auto industry, I looked this one over and said, “heh…. why not?”. So here I am, once again, to talk your ears off on some auto advice, this time on the Jaguar timing chain problems that can sometimes arise. Have you encountered such issues before? Then it may be your lucky day because I am about to open up and speak a bit on this, and maybe it can help!

First of all, the timing chain tensioner, in case you are familiar with what it is or have heard of it before, is sometimes in need of a good look as it can become susceptible to wear and tear, especially on a more luxury – style vehicle like the Jaguar, all in all. What is interesting to note? Well, I find that this sort of chain has to be kept under just the right amount of tension and that such is not always the case. Your engine’s oil is what lubricates this, more specifically, and you might have guessed it already as well —– that this timing chain runs right inside your engine. And yes, it is a metal chain and made to last for a while.

The tensioner, hence the name, is what helps keep it right under that ideal tension, of course. And you can also note that such part is either spring – loaded or run by hydraulic pressure / or oil. Which type of tensioner do you have? Do you know? Can’t hurt you to find out. This will also help you to assess just exactly what types of problems you may be running into on that timing chain. There are several kinds of issues. And you must learn to diagnose.

Your cam – shaft and your crank – shaft —– very important parts here, so please note the two names and remember them. These two parts are connected right by your timing chain, which works its best magic, so to speak, to make sure that they properly rotate and remain well – connected as they do so…. not always an easy job. And when the tensioner does its job properly as well, in addition, it makes sure that the engine’s top and bottom parts both rotate in unison…. or in sync. It all goes back to having the right tension, which, as I noted, the tensioner seeks to ensure…. lack of sync, as a result of improper tension, can host a whole range of problems ; and most issues surrounding the timing chain, it has been said, can fall back to this simple issue, in a sense. So it is important to keep in mind, then, is it not? Indeed.

And if your tensioner fails or is dying, you could get engine stalls, unusual engine noises, check engine light warnings, calibration sensitivity issues, and a whole bunch else.