Do You Change Gears In A Go Kart?

This is a great question, and the answer boils down ( like a burning stove pot, he he he heh…. boy, I sure do love using my analogies this time around ) to what kind of a go kart that you have. If you own a shifter go kart, also known as the basic KZ or manual go kart, then yes… count on that. Expect to have to change gears ( usually with around 6 gears to change from / toward ) as you drive about. In many of these go karts, what you will find is that come with a friction plate sort of a clutch ; you have to pull in, pull up and pull out. A lot of motor bikes and motor cycles have this sort of a setup as well, and for more old - school types of riders, this is ideal and gives them the feel of “classic”.

Now there are faster go karts of this kind that can even come with special quick shifters ( of which the ignition has been cut ) . With these, you would also change gears, but it is not a tedious experience at all ; many, in fact, love to do so and find that it gives their hands something fun to do as they cruise along. If you have got a single – gear go kart, one that is 2 – stroke, you will also be changing gears around.

Now, keep in mind that in MOST basic go – kart places ( or even entertainment spots that happen to offer go karts as a side attraction ) , you will typically NOT be changing gears… if you enjoy more thrill and ride, and less work, then you are more than likely lifting your hands in the air and giving a big, “woot, woot!” by now…. you must be excited. This is your kind of kart. This is the type of go kart you find at Boondock’s, 6 Flags, and other places.

There are also more specialty places that do indoor – outdoor karting only ( the only major attraction here ) , and with these places, you can often choose from a variety of specialty karts… some with gears for shifting and others without them. When you walk in, tell the staff your preferences, and they can try to see which kart to match you up with. You might even mix it up and try several. Consider your height, weight, speed control options and many other driving preferences. Ask if you have questions.