Sea-Doo Spark Mirrors

By Sea – Doo Expert Author : Efrain E. Silva

Spark mirrors, next on the buying list? Look online for Spark – compatible ones. Yes, many Sea – Doo mirrors are out there, as you likely have already come to conclude, but not all are PERFECTLY IDEAL for the Spark itself, and we will start there…..

So first of all, Google that or type on search boxes ; do a little extra research ( or, heck, just start by reading this here and go from there if you want further insight —- what I will share can help get you started ) . So what am I babbling on so much about, like an old woman at a gossip contest? He heh. Let’s get to it!

Now, then, you want to know that I happened to fall in love with this one, among so many others on the market : Sea-Doo New OEM Spark Mirrors, 295100748: Automotive

Now the reason I chose these for my Spark mirrors was not only due to the amazing sale that Amazon was having at the time ( yes, paying $74 is in fact a true sale, he heh, for such a quality product as this…. though if you look at the page now, they are listed at $129 appx., which, if you ask me, and I know you will, is still a good deal so make use of it now ) . But it was also due to the plain fact that the model was clearly designed and sold SPECIFICALLY for the SPARK itself, and not only that, but also, BY SEA – DOO THEMSELVES. So I got my mirrors straight from the horse’s mouth, as I like to retort, he heh, and got my warranty and peace of mind as a side bonus as well. Win – win!!!!!

What else I like about these? I also like that they come together as one ( well, two as one, if you know what I mean ) , which means that I do not have to buy one as a single and then go and find another to complete the pair. They come as a single unit, both included and all. The convex lens on these are great too, and even allow for that wide – angle sort of viewing if you really want to catch a full glimpse of the ocean in all its splendor ; you can hone in on all the action, from around you ( in front, behind, and even from the sides and a little up – top, diagonally, depending on how you want to shift your mirrors around….. and on that note itself, keep in mind they are super flexible and let themselves be moved so dang easily, he heh ) .

You can even place one mirror facing the front, to “blind your opponents” ( if you happen to be racing them, he he he heh ) and the other mirror facing properly, straight ( so you can see who is coming up behind you, even from a reasonable distance ) .