Sea-Doo Spark Not Starting
By Sea – Doo Expert Author : Efrain E. Silva
Uh – oh….. problems starting up your Spark again? Well, at least, thank God it’s not your car ( engine start – up problems can be such a pain in the neck, whether that engine be a car or a water – craft or a motor – bike, or heck, anything else, he heh… a problem is a problem ) . Either way, there is nothing as annoying as taking your new Spark out on the water, prepared for 2 hours of free, open – water riding fun, only to then find out that the dang thing will not start. You kick it ( as they do in the movies, which never really works anyways, but helps you get some frustration off your chest, he he he heh ) , only to find that this does absolutely nothing. So what do you do?
Let me begin…..
First of all, diagnose how bad the situation is —- is it not starting at all, or does it start and then shut off, or does it start after the 2nd crank or attempt, for instance? All these little details really make the difference here, which is the reason I am asking you to be observant and notice what SPECIFICALLY the Spark is doing to you. Now, assuming that it is just, flat – out, NOT STARTING AT ALL, then consider this, folks :
- You might have the wrong key in there ( for D.E.S.S. ) . And do not worry if such is the case, AS IT HAPPENS. And yes, even to the very best and brightest of us, he he he heh.
- The fuses might have been burnt out, and if that is the case, the confounded thing will not move and you will, as a matter of fact, need to get it towed out or moved / lifted until you can get new fuses placed in there ( try to learn how to install these yourself, as a little side note, since you can save tons of dollars on labor costs if you were to get an hourly expert to do it…. and it is not too hard to learn, so go to your buddy You Tube and watch away! ) .
- The computer itself, or the ECM component of it, at the very least, is having some problems. If that is so, then it will need to get diagnosed by an OBD sort of system for this ( you may likely have to see an expert and they can re – program the whole thing for you…. do not do this yourself unless you are a true pro who knows EXACTLY how to take this mother – board apart, rewire it, re – install it and then re – program it ) .
- The starter itself may be faulty for whatever reason.
- You may simply be running into electrical problems, or even battery problems, all of which lead back to getting a proper systems diagnosis.