Chad Reed

By Dirt - Bike Expert Author : Efrain E. Silva

Super - cross? Motor - cross? Chad Reed. No more… no less. These words are all synonymous with one another, I like to say, because Mr. Reed just so happens to have been, and for some time now, according to many, Australia’s King when it comes to these two dirt - bike sports. And he dominates like a shark does when coming down on a small fish, in the middle of the ocean…. full attention forward, teeth sunk in, and full speed ahead! This guy takes the super - cross and motor - cross arenas by storm. And let me share some more….

Here’s the ‘dirt’ on him, as we like to say around him ( but good dirt, of course, cause he’s filled with great info and successes, and I want to talk about all the great things about him…. not to write some negative post on him or something…. no, no, no…. here, we think ‘positive’ ) : He was one of the best - paid sports riders in his country, at a certain point in time. That is quite an achievement to be able to brag on, if you ask me. It also means he gave his all to such sports, working on them as if they were not only a passion and a hobby, but a career itself, all in all…. how many people would you say that you know, that ACTUALLY get paid to play, like he does? My guess is very few to none, am I right? Anyways, let’s talk some more.

In terms of numbers ( like on a jersey, if you think of other sports ) , he is # 22. He loves the number and it does him well, he he he heh. I do not think he is changing numbers any time soon. Also, his unique ‘accent’ is rather sort of distinct from many others, in an interesting way, and grabs full attention when it hear it spoken ( some women out there have even commented that it is ‘cute’ in a way, as they giggled about it in interviews on YouTube fan pages and such…. so many of these out there online these days, he he he he heh ) . It is almost sort of — how can I say it? —- mixed. Some call it “sounding half - American and half - Australian”, which I think does it justice. If you want to hear him speak, and share his knowledge, his past early life, his success on the roads, and more, you should just go to and type in his name, making sure you spelled it correctly, and then see videos with him in it…. especially interviews, victory speeches and anything else like that.

It will inspire you, I hope, as I was inspired. Hopefully even more. Now there’s some wishful thinking!

He has got two AMA titles, by the way. That’s a big deal. He has these in super - cross.