Barstool Go Kart

By go kart Expert Author : Efrain E. Silva

Ever wanted to ask what a bar stool go kart really is but maybe been a little too embarrassed or felt like a kid to ask? That is okay ; you can read this and I will tell you some stuff to know, and no one will even know that you asked about it ( it can be our own fun, little secret, now, ha ha ha hah ) . So let me explain ; just like its cool name may sound to your ears, this type of go kart is exactly what it is named for and for a reason…. it is a go kart with a bar stool as its seat, the bar stool placed right smack - dab in the center, where your eyes can’t miss it by a long shot, he he heh. Many people have re - constructed different parts of their go kart, their mower, and more, including and adding a bar stool that they wanted to use as their main seat ( taken from their kitchen easily or just wherever, you know how it is ) . And some people, as a matter of fact, have even taken apart their golf - kart, and used its many parts to help construct this or even touch it up…. the only main difference here, as you might have already imagined in your mind, is the seat ( it’s a bar stool for a seat, and in many cases, offers more room for your butt and is so, all in all, more cozy ) .

These types of go karts, I will happily say, are just out there for the fun of it…. for people who, at times, do not want to take themselves too seriously but all the opposite, which is perfectly okay. We all need to relax and have a mini - hobby, as I always like to tell my wife ( who is not always on - board with my whacko ideas, sometimes, which I think are the best ones…. but I love her to death anyways, he he he heh…. she is my soul - mate ) . These go karts usually have a very small engine ( though I have seen the opposite in others, built by those more serious about their game, I guess, he he he heh ) and usually like 6.5 HP ( for horse - power, I mean ) .

If you are good mechanically, you will know how to design or re - construct the proper kill switch for them, too… meaning it will be easier to stop and start as you move your butt around on that bar stool go kart, ha hah. You can also add rear or front bumpers, use a past rotor or adjust one to work with it, get a 12 T ( or 12 - transmission ) clutch going on it, and so much more. It’s time to get creative and not worry about the future. Ride on!