Kids Go Kart Racing

By go kart Expert Author : Efrain E. Silva

Kids love to race just as much as we adults do ( even though we, in our busyness, and often stubbornness, may forget that ) , and there is no thrill like watching your young one come alive on the speed track, chasing past the other kids in their lanes, with hopes of one day turning out to be a racer, and a darn good one. Pictured the moment like a thousand times, I will not kid you…. and my wife, who even has a different vision for our children than I do, has done the same as well. Have you, also? Then, boy, are we in for some fun! This read is yours!!!! Take it away….

First of all, thanks for reading. I can not say that enough. And thanks for being here with me, with all else you could be doing. And now, I open up with this —- when having your kids get a go kart for their own racing adventures, try to find a go kart that has solid rubber tires on both front and behind, for even better traction. Please do keep in mind that, with this said, that is the main reason that I try to avoid getting a used kids’ go kart, if I can…. maybe when used, the rubber on those tires has already given way, at least to some degree, and you can see the treading for yourself if you look just under - neath when riding. But you can never honestly tell JUST HOW MUCH the thing has been ridden on before or whose butt sat on it ( another sweaty kid, perhaps? He heh ) .

You will also want to try for something with a Single speed reverse (2.5 MPH) . To me, that is “make it or break it” in choosing. It is a bit of a deal - breaker if it does not have this, and I am always ready to pay more dollars to get it on! My wife will tell you the same as me…. there is nothing like paying for our kids’ comfort and security and fun, all in all, now is there? A 24 - volt battery, at the very least to say, would be nice to have with it, too… but I can live without one, as long as the battery is decent and has been charged away.

Now these small go karts get your kid out as slow as 1 mph, but some can go as fast as about 10 mph, more or less. So bear that in mind also. And they can start at about $150, for a really nice - looking one that has no “break down” or “maintenance often needed” issues, if you know what I am talking about here. Or you can even pay more for something superior, like $350 and up. It’s all on you, parent, how much to spend on it. Make it all count!