Go Kart Axle

By go kart Expert Author : Efrain E. Silva

If you want to get an axle for any go kart in your collection, then let me be the first person to stop you right there…. why not, instead of just an axle, a whole axle kit? Let me tell you why it could be of the very most benefit to you to not only get a full kit, which includes that axle and can also teach you all there is to know about the axle parts of the go kart. Sounds interesting, eh? Then please read right ahead.

Now, then, I want to mention to you that many places sell such fully - loaded axle parts and their entire kits. Now of course, if you have money for the entire kit, then by all means, get it. But if funds are a little tight for squeezing out, as my wife and I sometimes like to say, he he heh, then you can just get the axle for now. Either way, at some point it is even recommended that you go with the full package and learn all there is to know…. which includes, many times, video - access and further diagrams or instructions as to how things work. I know I bought one and it made me feel a whole heck of a ton smarter than I had been before, he heh, and I thought that I already knew the basic “everything” there is to know about the axle. But nope…. always something new to learn, and that sure kept me humble, to say the least.

One of the sellers I like to tell people about, because they have always delivered on their word and in a timely ( sometimes even early, he he heh ) manner would be that of none other than, the one, the only, BMI KARTS & PARTS. Have you seen their store online? YOU would be wise to check them out —- and right there, you can get axles, axle rods, axle picks, axle kits, and so much else in the way of go kart axles. I kid you not when I say that it is, very literally speaking, a go kart axle SUPER STORE. HEH HE HEH.

Keep in mind that the type of axle you need can often vary based on the type of chain that is working in your go kart…. no - brainer there. An entire axle kit, to get, will not always be cheap but a worthy invest —- I paid like $263, not taking in taxes and other sales costs, for mine…. I found it to be worth every cent and it really offered some value to my go kart, at the end of the day. So it fulfilled its purpose. And yes, I got it right off BMI KARTS & PARTS.

If you want a full listing of ones they sell right now, go here —- [Go Kart Rear Axle Kits BMI Karts and Parts](https://www.bmikarts.com/Go-Kart-Rear-Axle-Kits)

Check it all out!