Garage Shelving

By: Your One and Only Online Garage Blog Expert, Mr. Efrain E. Silva!

Let us look at a few different key types of garage shelving and talk some more on what things you ought to consider. Every person, need, and house ( or other type of home, he he he he heh ) is different from the others. Am I right? But let me talk to you in generic terms for just a bit, and you can hopefully decide, from there, what you may need….

So first off, we come to wooden shelving, one of the oldest and yet most common types of garage shelving there is, especially when it comes to more classic – looking or older garages, all in all. Oak and maple, on that note, are the best kinds here —- so if you are looking to add in this type of shelving to your garage, or do a swap – out from whatever kind of shelving that you happen to have there at the moment, just remember that fact. And remember also the fact that, for strength and durability, these 2 types of “hardwood” shelf woods are the best there are. But if you want, instead, something that can handle lighter loads and will even crack or break more easily ( in cases where you may need it to, for instance, such as when breaking it down or eventually replacing it, which is much more cheap to do, in this case ) , then you may rather look at something like plywood, chipboard, or even pinewood. These make great small – to – medium load shelves for the garage, where you can put up some basic tools and paperwork on, or other small things for storage.

We also have metal garage shelving, not to mention wire garage shelving. The metal is typically of steel, and for this type, we are talking about carrying some heavier loads on that shelf, even heavier than what the oak and maple can hold, all in all. So think on that for a sec. This material is not porous, which is an excellent advantage to having it, too. And with metal or wire metal shelves, typically, they do not rust when you happen to accidentally spill paint or other liquid chemicals on them ( not the case with wood, as you can obviously tell that it decays, weakens, and corrodes when such is spilled on it ) .

Wire shelves tend to be a little bit lighter than metal shelves, to be fully frank with you ( did you know that? ) . Yet they can still hold up and retain those heavier weights, which is what is so darn great about them. And you can self – mount these wire shelves any way that you want to, or even leave them as free – standing, too. Decide how you want to place them, and make sure you have enough open space in the garage. Take measurements if you need to, before going out to buy.